♥ I care I care I care ♥

Monday, October 25, 2010

Stupiak piglet silly Gemini

Sunday, October 17, 2010

LiFe is like a dream..

Have you ever wonder.. since life is so short, and yet u cant design it like ur will and as u wish.. what should u do?

People always say "Live life with no regrets".. u know what.. it's always easy to say than implement!

Only people that go through the same thing can understand.. only people that has the same feeling can empathize.. and it's pretty doubtful that anyone does.. It gives me a lot of impact.. as I've been observing.. sorry I do not do my best in my life.. sorry I've been bad.. I really cant do anything to change anything..

People always say "Life is like a dream".. u know what.. after u wake up from the dream, u cant tell it's a dream.. so in the end, is it life that u r going through? or is it dream that u r in?

People always say "Forget it like a dream".. u know what.. sometimes u may forget the dream, but u cant forget the feeling that the dream has given u!

If guilt is the word, it's so heavy to carry around.. it's time for a change! but how? Or should I ask.. do u really want a change? It seems like it's so comfortable to live in the state of blame and guilt.. im really sorry. if only I can talk to the star..

Delay is Not a Rejection

A young 4 years old boy has been yearning for a SWISS Pocket Knife for his present. He has been proposing to his great grandparents, grandparents, as well as parents. And he waited anxiously for every festive occasions to arrive, so that he thought he could receive the present. But.. it's his birthday, and he got many pressies. He unwrapped them with full anticipation but there's none of SWISS Pocket Knife.

He requested again.. pleading in his most pampering manner.. He waited again for Christmas.. Here Christmas came, and he received plenty pressies, but none of them was SWISS Pocket Knife. This went on for several years.. he has been requesting and pleading for couple of years.. and when time elapsed, he grew into an adolescent boy, he stopped requesting and pleading.. for he did not receive the present all this while and he has completely forgotten about it already..

One day, on Children's Day, his parent gave him a SWISS Pocket Knife as present. He unwrapped it and was overwhelming by the surprise. His parent actually remembered it! His parent acknowledged his desire for SWISS Pocket Knife but he was way toooo young to own this dangerous thing. But today he's big enough to handle that, so they decided to give him.

FINALLY, he has got his SWISS Pocket Knife! His wish is granted! His prayer is answered! He is ecstatic!

Many a time u've been praying for something but [u thought] it's not given to u.. Be patient and keep praying. U may already have been rewarded throughout the times but in ways that u did not even know it's a blessing and u overlook. Or.. maybe it's not the time yet.. your prayer is being worked out, and u'll be granted when the time comes.

Please remember..


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


She's been travelling for some time.. she wants to be in complete solitary.. she's like a star, travelling within the galaxy.. I goes to her room, tidying up her things..

While looking at some old pictures, a rugged note falls down.

"When you're having a really hard time, please believe that I do the same or even more.. there's no lies at all, it's only so real that it feels so unreal.."

I look up at the most shining star.. waiting for u to come back dearie..