♥ I care I care I care ♥

Sunday, November 28, 2010

An early dawn..

I don think I drank a lot.. Stomach burging.. Can't focus..
Driving back alone.. Thinking many random things..
Was feeling weird.. weird.. weird.. U weirdo u freako! Ya I'm talking about me.. Oh I meant me??!! Really?!
Sipping another sip, who cares? Don't bother @.@

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's always darkest immediately before dawn

If u are feeling down or super down that u think it's the worst now, cling on it with a positive attitude..
Positive attitude is hard at times, it's a skill u need to learn and master..
Then u wont be falling into the dark..

If u are enduring the darkest time in ur life, pls remember..
It's always darkest immediately before dawn..

Everyone will have different darkest time and different dawn.. Since u live in it, accept it and do the best out from it.. For u never know ur dawn might jus arrive in the next second.

Saturday, November 20, 2010



Monday, October 25, 2010

Stupiak piglet silly Gemini

Sunday, October 17, 2010

LiFe is like a dream..

Have you ever wonder.. since life is so short, and yet u cant design it like ur will and as u wish.. what should u do?

People always say "Live life with no regrets".. u know what.. it's always easy to say than implement!

Only people that go through the same thing can understand.. only people that has the same feeling can empathize.. and it's pretty doubtful that anyone does.. It gives me a lot of impact.. as I've been observing.. sorry I do not do my best in my life.. sorry I've been bad.. I really cant do anything to change anything..

People always say "Life is like a dream".. u know what.. after u wake up from the dream, u cant tell it's a dream.. so in the end, is it life that u r going through? or is it dream that u r in?

People always say "Forget it like a dream".. u know what.. sometimes u may forget the dream, but u cant forget the feeling that the dream has given u!

If guilt is the word, it's so heavy to carry around.. it's time for a change! but how? Or should I ask.. do u really want a change? It seems like it's so comfortable to live in the state of blame and guilt.. im really sorry. if only I can talk to the star..

Delay is Not a Rejection

A young 4 years old boy has been yearning for a SWISS Pocket Knife for his present. He has been proposing to his great grandparents, grandparents, as well as parents. And he waited anxiously for every festive occasions to arrive, so that he thought he could receive the present. But.. it's his birthday, and he got many pressies. He unwrapped them with full anticipation but there's none of SWISS Pocket Knife.

He requested again.. pleading in his most pampering manner.. He waited again for Christmas.. Here Christmas came, and he received plenty pressies, but none of them was SWISS Pocket Knife. This went on for several years.. he has been requesting and pleading for couple of years.. and when time elapsed, he grew into an adolescent boy, he stopped requesting and pleading.. for he did not receive the present all this while and he has completely forgotten about it already..

One day, on Children's Day, his parent gave him a SWISS Pocket Knife as present. He unwrapped it and was overwhelming by the surprise. His parent actually remembered it! His parent acknowledged his desire for SWISS Pocket Knife but he was way toooo young to own this dangerous thing. But today he's big enough to handle that, so they decided to give him.

FINALLY, he has got his SWISS Pocket Knife! His wish is granted! His prayer is answered! He is ecstatic!

Many a time u've been praying for something but [u thought] it's not given to u.. Be patient and keep praying. U may already have been rewarded throughout the times but in ways that u did not even know it's a blessing and u overlook. Or.. maybe it's not the time yet.. your prayer is being worked out, and u'll be granted when the time comes.

Please remember..


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


She's been travelling for some time.. she wants to be in complete solitary.. she's like a star, travelling within the galaxy.. I goes to her room, tidying up her things..

While looking at some old pictures, a rugged note falls down.

"When you're having a really hard time, please believe that I do the same or even more.. there's no lies at all, it's only so real that it feels so unreal.."

I look up at the most shining star.. waiting for u to come back dearie..

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Distance.. so WHAT?

There are soooo many problems out there which cant even be resolved
Soooo many problems out there which are soooo much more complicated

Distance.. so WHAT? If it's jus distance.. it's not such a big deal
'Cos time will resolve everything

The most important thing is TRUST IN YOURSELF!

By the end of the day, at least u wont feel sorry for yourself
'Cos u've trusted yourself

Friday, August 27, 2010

还有。。嗯 。。



Tuesday, August 24, 2010


你擁有我 我擁有你 



你擁有我 我擁有你 



Saturday, August 21, 2010

To-Do List (minus one)

I'm getting busier with my life.. more busy than before.. I dunno why and I dunno how.. I've ample to-do-list to complete..

Today I've done one of the things in my to-do-list! I can proudly cancel it off the list, and I actually called up my friend to congrat me! wakaka :P even though he's super busy and dint want to bother me, but I forced him to congrate me anyway, and yeah I got it ^^

I hope I can get back my life....

~ My Victory face kakaka ~

Thursday, August 19, 2010


蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你

你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰

多的是 你不知道的事

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

I always heard this song on radio, it's been a while..

I'm really loving it the first time I heard it, it's blending touch and emotions..
but I never make the initiative to find it @.@ ~

Finally I saw this song being posted on facebook, weee~ now I'm posting it on my blog.

FINALLY... it's here.. nice..

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

what is it now 3


it's been a year now since the world has turned into purple color.. people starts getting used to see purple humans, purple food, purple cars, purple trains, purple notes, purple everywhere..

THE ONLY WHITE object has now become a trenchant distinction.. people starts to put their eyes on it.. and its value has greatly supercharged.. being so unique and valuable, some people try all means to gain ownership of it.. some however are willing to take long winding roads to have a look..

BUT she is still lost.. her psyche tells her that she doesnt belong to the present, for what she sees and what she feels do not collaborate with her equanimity.. BUT she is purple, like every single particles here.. "why..?" she keeps asking. why..

AS the letters ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ rains down from sky.. they hit her.. on her upper brain lobe.. feeling woozy from the blow.. causing vertiginous migraine..

SHE KNOWS she still lives in the past.. she knows she still lives in history.. {her head pains..} maybe she's an escapee from the past.. too many "maybe"s before she passes out..

..{darkness consumes}..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

what is it now 2


she gets up, she's grateful that her tears are adequate enough to cleanse the blood. she runs, agile. any direction.. ooo no, it's the direction just ahead of her. as nimble as a deer, but luck is never on her side.. she faces obstacles just anywhere she heads to..

VACUUM.. it's vacuum, and suddenly she falls into a region, a region with the absence of matter. the world has changed, right in front of her very eyes, instantaneously.. the world turns purple. all the objects of the world become purple. the humans, houses, trees, vehicles, cars, buildings, animals, creatures, sea, ice bergs.. everything.. turns purple.. in such shocking uniform that people could not use "green eyes", "blue", "hot red" anymore, cos these colors do not exist anymore.

EXCEPT for one object that does not turn purple, it retains its own color, i.e. white. nobody knows the reason why that it doesnt change color, and nobody understands what it means. NOW, the world has 2 colors.. extreme vast majority in purple, and such a petite one single white..

she is horrified, and of cos she herself has turned purple like the rest of the world.. purple hair, purple skin, purple nails.. everything purple that any fashion designers would reckon it's awfully dull, but to some it may suggest neatness..

she hasnt gained her composure, for the first incident was already a big shot in her head.. and now THIS! she couldnt cry no more.. for there is no oxygen in the VACUUM for her inhalation for tears..

SHE is lost.. very lost indeed.. "rain" (as her almost-void conscientiousness could compile) comes tumbling down from the purple sky.. one by one

ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ
ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ
ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ
ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ
ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ

tumbling down.. tumbling down.. tumbling down..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

what is it now

It's not easy.. she strolls along the pathway in solitary.. ooh, not in complete solitude, at least she thinks that the wind is her only companion.. it's windy. her hair is disorganized, but she doesnt care how she looks like.. not now, not anymore.. she doesnt feel she wanna bother anymore.. yea not now, no more..

Suddenly the wind stops.. she stops.. she stands still for quite some time.. she closes her eyes, she couldnt feel the wind anymore.. she got scared.. she cried.. she shouted.. where are u? why.. why do u leave me? where.. are u? she choked.. her knees felt numbed and she broke down to the ground.. knees knocked against the hard concrete, blood.. blood.. oouch, it hurts!

Blood stains the earth.. the world stands still.. not a living movement at all.. she has to stand up, but it hurts too much. she lets herself stagnant, she couldnt forgive herself. let the tears wipe the blood.

Suddenly a rugged paper appears in her right hand.. she doesnt know how and where it comes from for the wind is no longer exist. she opens the paper..

ν ο β ο δ η 'δ υ ν δ ε ρ σ τ α ν δ

She doesnt know what it is about.. she couldnt open her mouth.. she throws the paper away, away from her.. but the world has lost its gravity.. the paper floats and comes back to her.. it happens in a very unscientific way.. she got freaked out.. ok the wind has abandoned her, what is it now?!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Da LittLe Peanut ~ 12.07.10

Dear all,

When the clock ticks off at 12.30 noon later, there it marks the end of my employment with Pxx. I may appear to be talkative (but I think I'm "shy" and "not so talkative" hahaha :P I just dont know why many would claim that I am one hahaha), but when it reaches to farewell speech, I think I've limited words. I think I should be saying some mushy hushy words.. but I'm lost at the vocabs haha

I've been with Pxx for 3 years and 42 days (I've just counted).. and I always thought it's 2 years (sorry for those that I've told it's only 2 years plus). Today it ends our colleague-ship, but I hope it's a new blossom for our friendship. I've known you all for as long as 3 years plus, or as short as few months.. but it's been rewarding, and it's memorable. Thank you for teaching me all the things.. I truly appreciate all of your patience and guidance.. it always makes me smarter than 1 minute ago!

I wish only the best for all of you as well as the company! Jia You~ Take great care and do keep in touch :) God bless.

P.S: I wish to use Pxx webmail for one last time, but coincidently it's down at this present moment.. so I'm using yahoo mail instead.

Best Regards,

This little peanut has always thought she's a super low profile soul in the company.. but she's extremely overwhelmed today..

"ai yoo.. why u leave.. everybody so sayang u here oh..."
"thanks for bringing laughters..."
"thanks for bringing colors into the boring worklife..."
"it saddens me to see u leave..."
"u r the best statistician we ever had.. i've just told xxx and yyy bla bla bla.."
"will u miss me..?.."
"if anything u need my help, just call me up.."
"i think u r the most talkative in ur whole school.."
"u r the only one i know who can sleep at any time and any where.."
"i remember the time we stayed together in bintulu, ex-roommate.."
"i never know anyone who can sleep from night till 4pm, that scares me.. i tot u pengsan.."
"so cute ur mail.."
"i can still keep in touch with u via yahoo right..?.."
"sorry if i have been harsh to u in any verbal or written communication, it's merely work related.. nothing personal at all.."
"if u have any doubts, u can always ask.."
"if u have any business plan and u think i can help, just contact me.."
"i've made u a funny video clip of the time u were in bintulu, i'll pass to u after u leave.."
"keep in touch.."
"friendship forever.."
etc. etc.

Recently when I was opening the office door, there were some passerby from other offices.. and they were asking.. "are u the one that's resigning..?" then another time i went to visit another office in the same building.. 2 admin executives which i never seen before asked, "hi, when is ur last day?".. I looked at them with my eyes wide opened.. "ooh, u are the short hair girl they always mentioned and is leaving soon.."

I remember I'm always a down-to-earth earthling but am so surprised that people remembers what I did to them.. especially the one they've always mentioned for 3 years!!

*..people talking... she stays in hotel, bla bla bla.. he stays in house, bla bla bla...*
boss: amy, where do u stay in kuching?
me: [without slightest hesitation] in a house.
all: [stunned and speechless..] ..............
coll: .... o.f..c.o.s... else? stay on tree..?

#$^%$*%^!!%*9#3&# haha they always repeat that story to all newbies.. for so many years dy.. not sienz de meh..?! hahaha

Maybe they know me.. cos boss has been treating me super nice.. see the pics below:

* The boss has an office of a 2-table-space with 1 conference room (no attached washroom) ONLY~!!

* But they gave me.. an office of an 11-table-space with 1 conference room and 2 washrooms (I can freely choose to use alternately) LEH~!!

yeah.. my office is big.. bigger than the boss ^^
it may look slightly messy, but that only means i am hardworking haha if it's too tidy, i couldnt find my papers..

hey hey, i do have colleagues ^^
[from left] fat santa, frosty, puppy, piggy, lambie, alien

sleepless night.. :~(

i went out from my room to the loo.. and when i came back in.. i felt something so eerie at the back of my bare feet.. i could feel it there, being cold.. under my left foot.. euuw.. it's LIZARD!! oh gosh oh gosh.. i couldnt believe it.. i've stepped on A LIZARD!!...... im so scared.... :~(

i don even dare to sleep.. i don even dare to take my eyes off him... im sitting on my bed, ensuring legs off the ground.. the lizard aint moving.. was he dead?? oh noo... it's crawling towards me... now... im so scared........ :~( :~( :((((

i took pics.. but im still so scared.. i could feel my goosebumps, standing upright, so uptight!.. i wasnt sure if it's deaf or blind.. i couldnt nego with it in any verbal language.. i tried to distract it with hangle, it was totally motionless!! i threw a clip towards its direction (ok.. not at it.. cant blame me.. me aint mba player..), it wasnt a bit being distracted....

what can i do.... gosh.. what shud i do.. goshhhh... this is soo horrendous!! it's jus at the door.. i couldnt go out from the room.. it's "armed".. oh gosh.......................................................

sleepless night guiding a monster?????????? oh my goodnesss...........................................................

*pics taken in a very dark room with only a mild beam from the small table lamp

Monday, July 5, 2010

Internet's prohibited

It's such a boring day, so I occupy myself with packing of my piles of papers & files.. but it's not Monday Blue.. ya, not at all... in fact, I'm cold.. and it's not raining..

Fren: My company prohibits us to access Internet from today onwards..
Me: Then how did you manage to be in Facebook?
Fren: Ooh.. I plug in the network cable..
Me: Huh? Plug in the network cable, then u're off to access Internet?
Fren: yea..
Me: Then what is it about prohibition?
Fren: yea.. the company prohibits the Internet access by plugging out all our network cables.. I wanna online, so I plug it in.. I'll plug out later..
Me: WHAT??........ LoLs...... like that also can?!!


A giant ship engine failed. The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how to fix the engine.

Then they brought in an old man in his eighties who had been fixing ships since he was a young man. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully from top to bottom.

Two of the ship's owners were there watching this man and hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed!

A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.
"What?!" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did anything!"

So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an itemized bill."

The man sent a bill that read:
Tapping with a hammer...... ......... $ 2.00
Knowing where to tap.......... ......... $ 9,998.00

Effort is important,
but knowing where to make an effort
makes all the difference!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

laughter yoga

There are many types of Yoga.. but I never heard of Laughter Yoga (sorry no offense.. I really dint know there are many types of laughters to be learnt..). I knew someone who purposely flew to India to attend the Laughter Yoga course, and got herself a certificate!

She said.. Laughter Yoga helps her a lot, while facing stress. She is holding a high rank position where the existence of extreme stress is unavoidable. She used to be very stressful at work and was having insomnia most of the times, before she involved in Laughter Yoga. Let me emphasize, I'm not trying to promote laughter yoga or anything.. at this point of time, I still have not asked Uncle Google on what laughter yoga is..

She said.. when u r stressed, let ur brain laughs, but not physically.. hard to imagine?.. ooh it means.. squeezing the juice of ur brain by the exercise of laughing (internally), which also means ur brain is vibrating because of the laughing activity internally and thereafter manifests joy or mirth.. but, but.. ur mouth is not opened.. ur mouth is not curved.. so, u look like normal externally/physically, but u r in fact laughing in ur brain.. releasing all the bad and negative forces.. manifesting the emotions of enchantment and delight..

I was like.. VERY DEEP..........

While hearing more.. she said.. BRING A BANANA TO A PUBLIC PLACE, PLACE IT BESIDES YOUR EAR, AND TALK LIKE IT IS A MOBILE PHONE..............................

I was like.. YOU WHAT? PRETEND A BANANA AS A HANDPHONE??? IN A PUBLIC PLACE??................. =.=''' I laughed out so loud, sorry no offense, I couldnt help...

"SEE, it helps for laughters!!!"



We cant do anymore better... tried our best....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tomato Story

A Jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

"You are employed" he said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start.

The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email"! .

"I'm sorry", said the HR manager. "If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job."

The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60.

The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday.

Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US ... He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.

He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email. The man replied,"I don't have an email." The broker answered curiously, "You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e mail?!!"

The man thought for a while and replied, "Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!"

Moral of the story

Moral 1
Internet is not the solution to your life..

Moral 2
If you don't have Internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.

Moral 3
If you received this message by email, you are closer to being a office boy/girl,than a millionaire...........


The worst thing about a seminar is.. when u r sleepy and the speaker remembers your name..
[note: sleepy but still being very attentive, no offense.]

I attended a seminar.. hey, I was listening.. but who could control yawning right? (no one could control yawning.. even a transformation of yawn to pretend-to-laugh needs ample years of kungfu to acquire that).

The speaker called my name once in a while.. I din know if he noticed I was the only one who yawned in the entire hall, but I din mean it.. I did listen, I could still list out the main points he mentioned. From time to time, he would ask me to stand up, ask me questions..

In the midst of the seminar, while he was presenting the slide shows.. he suddenly blurted out "Amy u come out!" I was like.. "HUH? WHAT? GO OUT TO THE FRONT STAGE?!!"

Ahh.. he meant one of the girls in the slideshow looked like me.. so everytime if that girl appeared in any slideshow he would say that... that gave me a shock! I've learnt very hard to SWALLOW my yawn.. so when I've a feeling of wanting-to-yawn, I got ready, and swallowed it hard haha my friend ever taught me of how to transform yawn to laugh (but I couldnt simply be laughing in the midst of an informative seminar).. all I could do.. was to SWALLOW.. new skill.. and sometimes got myself choked.

The seminar was about an investment plan. Perhaps I would share it here if I've read about it and if I've time to summarize it haha


Oops.. I think I got it wrong. I was taught of how to transform a laugh to yawn, not the other way round.. no wonder I was caught yawning!! haha

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The 500g little creature!!

aiyoo.. i saw a big fat juicy cockroach in the loo, jus besides the door.. im afraid to go in, but it aint moving anywhere. it's stagnant there, but i know perfectly it's alive.. cos its antenna and its legs are swaying..

i really want to go washroom.. how ah.. how ah..

shhoo shhoo.. ehh it's so stubborn! still stagnant.. but he heard me!! his antenna and legs are really moving!!

i cant believe a-500g-little-creature can scare a-44kg-big-girl here!!! #$#$^$%&$*

but.. i still need the loo.........


1 hour later............

ehh.. the 500g-little-creature is still there?!! what is he trying to do?! trying to conquer my territory? iisshh.......

war knights say.. "if u cant defeat ur enemy through battlefront, change your strategy."

strategic plan.. okok, i know what to do kekeke

Thursday, June 24, 2010

hip x2 hooray

Yday i received a call from a postman.

Postman: Are you Amy? Is xxx ur house number?
Me: Yes. Why?
Postman: I've something for you.
Me: Huh? From where?
Postman: Ooo.. I'm from Kuching :)

... =.=''' like i dunno... [i meant the parcel oo..]

¸.•*´¨` SUrPriSe~!!!!! ´¨`*•.

It made my day!
Im drowning in the pool of choccy!!
and among many other surprises kekekee ^^
so sweet and touching, yeah im not gonna share here
hip hip hooray~ yippie~

..if im getting a pimple, i will know the culprit.. kakaka.. but who can resist this =P~
ahh who cares, im loving it!..

¸.•*´¨` ThAnKs bestie!!! ´¨`*•.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

meaningless.. a chasing after the wind

a chasing after the wind

What does a man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?

Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.

The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.

The wind blows to the south and turns to the north, round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.

All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full.

To the place the streams come from, there they return again.

All things are wearisome, more than one can say.

The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear has its fill of hearing.

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun.

What is twisted cannot be straightened, what is lacking cannot be counted.

The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness, but i came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.

Whoever loves money never has money enough, whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.

As goods increase, so do those who consume them.

The end of the matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.

Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor.

Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city.

Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you, for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.

The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

sincere wish..

..last year..

one of the youth had an accident, just one day before my bday, he was struck by an arrow in his neck.. he was in comma, in ICU, emergency.. few centimetres below, he would lost his life.. few centimetres above, he would not be able to talk for the rest of his life..

bday's candles were lighting up, swaying gracefully.. i closed my eyes, made a deep sincere wish.. i prayed for guardian angels to be with him, combating the atrocious accident and pain together with him, let him gain conscious, let him awake, let him be alive, let him stay healthy..

god granted my sincere wish.. and of cos many ppl's earnest wishes..

..this year..

it might not be a matter of life and death.. but it matters a lot to me, it's family bond. i know what i will wish for.. besides trying ur best to work things out, putting faith and trust.. togetherness is the vision.. pls never ever give up easily.. i will make this solemn wish, i will sincerely pray.. this is what i'll wish for..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

•♥• Thank you ALL LOVELY ANGELS •♥•

If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving. We have experienced your love and friendship by your presence and wishes for us on our day and all the days. For this, we lovingly thank you!

•♥• Thank you Parents, Relatives and Friends for helping out almost all in the Preparations!

•♥• Thank you Church for allowing us to use the facilities freely!
•♥• Thank you Church (Revd. Stephen Wong, Revd. Kenny, Uncle Matthew, Auntie Helen, etc.) for proof reading of the Service Booklet and rehearsal!
•♥• Thank you Musicians (Uncle Lawrence, Uncle Clarence, Uncle Patrick, Justin, John Mark) for taking out time for the rehearsal and practise!
•♥• Thank you Control (Ian) for controlling the electrical facilities, projectors, microphones, speakers, lighting, etc.. and also for converting the Service Booklet into a readable and projectable format!
•♥• Thank you Readers (Uncle Lawrence, Auntie Elanor, Sarah Jane) for Scripture/Gospel Reading!
•♥• Thank you Ushers for the friendly Ushers!
•♥• Thank you Youth for the lovely and touching surprising decorations of MultiPurpose Hall (Level3) till 11.30pm the night before!
•♥• Thank you HomeCell Members (Philipi) and Church Members for helping out before, during and after the day unconditionally!
•♥• Thank you All Church Members (English and Chinese Ministries) for involving, helping out and reviewing the Service Booklet, Program Flow, Time, Refreshment, and Venue!
•♥• Thank you Ah EEs for making the savoring Cakes and Fingerfood!
•♥• Thank you Allen for being the super nice and pro Photographer, from day to night!
•♥• Thank you Alex for being the sweet sweet Videographer, from day to night!
•♥• Thank you Sian Hui for being the thoughtful and hilarious all-time Driver!
•♥• Thank you Jonathan for making us such a memorable and endearing Video!
•♥• Thank you Jing Lee for being the Wedding Decorator and beautifully decorating the inner Church and building awesome Arch!

•♥• Thank you Chi Muis for being with us and preparing the Games!
•♥• Thank you Heng Tais for being with us, sporting and combating the Games!
•♥• Thank you All Heng Tais Chi Muis for arriving at desired destinations before the sun rises!

•♥• Thank you All Funky Insanity for flying from Melaka and Singapore to Kuching!
•♥• Thank you All of u for travelling afar from Other Lands or Homes to witness our Holy Matrimony and Celebrations!

•♥• Thank you Julie for making the themed Pink & siLver lovely Ring Pillow, Chi Mui Bracelet and Usher Corsage!
•♥• Thank you Jackie Tan & Shirly for the wonderful big Couple Bears gift, from Melaka by air!
•♥• Thank you Yap & Quinnie for making the wonderful Pictures Slideshow for us, from KL by air!
•♥• Thank you Uncle Yong & Auntie Grace & Elaine & Caroline for the wonderful meaningful Glass Plaque!
•♥• Thank you Funky Insanity for the Colored-sand Picture, with autographed commitments!
•♥• Thank you Audrey for the mysterious Wedding & Bday Gift!
•♥• Thank you Lawrence for the beautiful handmade frame and keychains!
•♥• Thank you San San for the super early Wishes.. too bad she booked her family vacation ticket before the confirmation of the day.. she was not here but her thought was!
•♥• Thank you Cyrene & Manel for the super early Wishes.. too bad they couldnt attend becos they were and are in Spain, happy wedding to both of u too!
•♥• Thank you Sim for making a memorable comical Video pertaining the good old days when I was in Bintulu!

•♥• Thank you Our Brothers (Freddy, Billy, Allan) for the Super Fat Ang Pao!
•♥• Thank you Allan & LeeLee for being the sweetest Bridesmaid & Bestman!
•♥• Thank you Koko & SC for being the awesome Co-ordinator for the whole event!

◘ Thank you to those who were there with us, and those who were not there with us.. for all the Wishes and Blessings via SMS, Calls, Cards, Email, Facebook, MSN, YM.. sorry if we are unable to reply all messages, but we truly appreciate from the bottom of our hearts and would like to extend a big big THANK YOU to all of you!! HuGGies •♥•

Thank you for being with us, in thoughts and in hearts!

•♥• Love •♥• is not A BIG THING, it is A MILLION LITTLE THINGS! We have experienced the million, billion, trillion little things that all of you have showered upon us all these while.

We are sincerely touched and we thank God that He blesses us with so many •♥• Angels •♥• [all of you - presence or absence - FRIENDS & FAMILIES]!!

Thank you, thank you and a big big THANK YOU for making our day so special! •♥•

P/S: Pls forgive us that we were unable to entertain everyone on that day, and pls forgive us if we careless-mindedly miss out thanking anyone here.. but pls remember, we are blessed to know all of you, and sincerely thank you •♥•

Hugs & Kisses from,
Jackie & aMy
•♥• Day 28.05.2010 •♥•

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


.:: some thoughts from some articles ::.

how to not remember.. when it's already been engraved into the memory deeply

how to not cry.. when i look back at pictures filled with laughters, i cry instead

how to not heartpain.. when u rather hurt urself than letting me know

how to not heartbreak.. when u rather let me go than holding me dearly

how to not hurt.. when even in my dreams, we are holding hands tightly

how to stop missing u.. when what u do is constantly swimming in my mind

how to stop thinking about u.. when whenever, whichever, whatever i see, it's all about u

how to stop concerning u.. when there's long silence, i lost my mind

how to stop caring.. when i rather secretly sorrowfully hurt than knowing u losing a smile

how to forget.. when u r the first one to appear in my mind for everything that i wanna share with

if u are given another chance.. will u still fall..

if im not falling for u.. then i dont have sorrows

if im not falling for u.. there's no misery of losing u

if im not falling for u.. then i wont give u my whole heart

if im not falling for u.. i wont feel so depressed for not being able to be together with u forever

if im not falling for u.. i wont feel so helpless and hopeless and lifeless

if im not falling for u.. i wont feel life is so meaningless

if im not falling for u.. then i wont lose myself and have hard time finding it back

if one day i say..
if there's another chance again, i will not fall for u.. will u be able to understand my feeling?

no i dont, cos there's no that one day.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Paws of friendshiP

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind..

"Pooh", he whispered.

"Yes, Piglet?"

"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw..

"I just wanted to be sure of you."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

granny be strong

The nerve pain in the gum is unbearable.. she lies there quietly, without a word or sound of grumbling.. she couldnt really bite/chew on food, for the pain she has to endure is way beyond any words could describe. at times, tears go rolling down her cheeks.. she bears, she takes it all by herself..

She likes to talk.. about her old tales, about history, about her past.. when she was so much younger and stronger.. perhaps i could say she's talkative, but she couldnt talk.. because of the pain.. she presses her fingers wrapped in handerchief on her gum.. pressing very very hard, she's thinking if she could numb the nerve pain by implying external pain.. she couldnt..

She could hardly bite any food.. she's relying on soft, watery food or drinks..

We visited her the other day.. her nerve pain was reduced.. but she looked so fragile and frail.. she had been vomitting for the past few days.. it's either u get nerve pain or u vomit.. she lost weight.. she sat up when she saw us.. she's very sweet.. very understanding..

After a while, she said she's tired.. she needed to lie down.. but she carried on talking.. she looked at me with tender eyes, she asked.. "do u understand me?" im learning to pick up the dialect.. i couldnt completely understand, but from the tone of voice, i know it's something touching and meaningful.. i know it's meant well, i felt it with my heart..

Granny.. u must be strong.. u wanna see us in white suit.. we are going to wear it.. i know u r very happy but u r too weak to smile broadly..

Granny.. u must have the determination.. i know u r very exhausted of fighting with the disease.. i know u r bearing intolerable pain.. i know where u want to go.. i know u always think of us.. i know u'll be happy..

We love you granny.. u must be strong.. dear God, we pray for your loving grace and healing hands to be upon granny.. amen.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Element Name: Stress [noun]
Cause: bad to skin and hair
Effect: not leng leng dy..

It is by research that stress causes skin problems.. well it causes or exacerbates a lot of problems, but I just want to pinpoint on how stress causes our oily skin and scalp.. bad bad 'chemical'..

I know u must be thinking that stress can be good as a motivational and inspirational agent, i dont deny that, yes it can be good if we know how to use it to make things happen positively. fortitude.

However extreme stress hormones that overflows into our system can adversely affect us mentally and physically, i think it's called mind-body physiology.. and that includes our skin and hair.

Studies have illustrated that when u are under extreme stress, there is an increase in the amount of androgen production. When androgen is activated, the sebaceous glands pumps out more oil/sebum. Stress could come from anything mentally or physically or chemically.. im not sure if u could be stress out of nothing. Hence disgusting oily skin.. big pores.. 'shiny' t-zone..

In addition, and due to stress, the circulation in the scalp is so constricted that the hair follicles lost blood supply.. then u'll notice hair will atrophy and fall out. well.. sometimes it often grows back when u are no longer under extreme stress, but dont be too happy yet..

If u have continuous extreme stress that u leave unmanaged or cannot manage, u are actually working ur adrenal glands to exhaustion. Hence, skin and hair problems become apparent.. because hor.. u r constantly shutting off the blood supply to ur heart and lungs, diverting it away from feeding and nourishing.

Now u know why stress can uglify a person.. because of stress and become not leng leng, not worth oh.. so far, i guess there's no treatment yet to completely stop or prevent sebum production, but there should be a lot of remedy in combating stress.. im still researching haha but i've some suggestions here~


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The World's Greatest

To those who have been
disheartened, discouraged, demoralized, dispirited, dismayed, dejected, debased, devalued, depreciated, deprecated..

Life is the movie you see through your own unique eyes. It makes little difference what's happening out there. It's how you take it that counts.

You should always be aware that your head creates your world.

You know what.. You are Awesome and the Greatest~!

"The World's Greatest"

It's the worlds greatest,
Yo,It's the worlds greatest,
Come on,Worlds Greatest, Ever

I am a mountain
I am a tall tree
Oh, I am a swift wind
Sweepin' the country
I am a river
Down in the valley
Oh, I am a vision
And I can see clearly
If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest

And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm
I'm the worlds greatest

I am a giant
I am an eagle
I am a lion
Down in the jungle
I am a marchin' band
I am the people
I am a helpin' hand
And I am a hero
If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
I made it
I'm the worlds greatest

And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the worlds greatest

In the ring of life
I'll reign love(I will reign)
And the world will notice a king(Oh Yeah)
When all is darkest,
I'll shine a light(Shine a light)
And use a success you'll find in me(Me)

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

[*] It's the greatest
Can you feel it
It's the greatest
Can you feel it

[Repeat * while:]
I saw the light
At the end of a tunnel
Believe in the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
And faith was right there
To pull me through, yeah
Used to be locked doors
Now I can just walk on through
Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey
It's the greatest
I'm that star up in the sky

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

Sunday, May 16, 2010

little boy and little girl

story about a little boy and a little girl
[touching story from facebook]

little boy and little girl accidentally met during their adolescence.. days of simpleness, innocence, immaturity, naiveness.. days of no worries, no commitments, only laughters.. so carefree, so casual. they got along very well, they talked to each other about anything from infinity to infinity, they talked almost everyday.. it was this time they started to learn what was being comfortable with another human being like.. and the lesson got deeper, and they learnt what was missing you.

they had the all happiest sweet time period before reality shook them out from this. they had to be separated.. and it was with no other options. boy left.. no promise.. not even bidding any goodbyes.. not even turning back.. not even leaving any contacts..

silence is the response to the all time sweetness..

........some good ample years later........

boy and girl accidentally met.. again. boy and girl accidentally talked. the first encounter was like two unfamiliar, not-closed friends.. they met more more frequently, and they talked more.. from unfamiliar friend to familiar friend. reminiscence recollected pieces by pieces.. good old beautiful pieces.. but they kept to themselves.

they got along very well again.. they learnt more than what they had learnt during adolescence.. but they kept to themselves. they had the all happiest sweet time period.. sweeter than before.. sweetest.. but once again reality shook them out from this the second time.

this time.. it's hard to make promise, it's hard to bid goodbyes, it's hard to turn anywhere, it's hard not to leave contacts.. they need to break up, and the reason is not becos of feeling. the hardest thing about breakup is breaking up without reason. they need to break up, becos of life.. girl has tremendous surrounding pressures that boy is not aware of, and there is no need to be told of. sinful.. girl's aware.

heartbreak is the response to the all time sweetness..

........some good ample years later........

boy and girl talk.. and smile reminiscing all the collects..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

uglify is an art

uglify is an art,
and the art is abstract..

Today is my first day wearing it~
uber CooL, i clicked 'LIKE'~ oK Ok not leng? i dont care lor....... i like leh!! :P
:: khalil fong :: - similar specs~ hahaha mine bigger than his, im more kiasu~ kaka

when i firstly got this specs..

pap: ah girl, u look weird.. hrm.. look like somebody else..
[i was in a mess that night, and i put that on..]

the next day.. when i was properly dressed up, and walking down the staircase..

pap: ee.. ah girl, u dont look like yday's.. hrm.. u look weird still, like somebody else

me: haha pap u r photostate machine meh.. u already said the same thing yday, u photocopying now again har..

pap: i tot u looked out of ur age yday, over matured with that specs.. but now u look NICE!

me: aiseh......... ^.^ *shy shy*

this barney really caught my eyes out of the ocean of bags.. so cute isnt it?! haha im bringing it back! for what..? i dunno... nah, just kidding.. who say i like dinosaur now?!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

dark choc talks

Delicious macadamia nuts coated with a thin layer of crunchy toffee and covered in rich creamy dark chocolate.. please imagine how this gradually melts in your mouth and being sent down to your esophagus~ so hangg fuk nehh~~~ so yummy, esp it's DARK CHOC! given by my bestie n he said he aint gonna look at the pic.. so i've got no choice but to post up on my blog wakaka it's too delicious not to be posted nehh!! *wonderful* ^^

Aiseh.. HEALTHY NUTS [eat a lot also wont get pimples.. very safe to eat de...]

Fact Macadamias are an excellent source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats - the good fats, which can help manage cholesterol
Fact Macadamias contain Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect tissues from damage
Fact Macadamias add fibre to your diet
Fact Macadamias help lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the incidence of heart disease
Fact Macadamias also contain unsaturated oil, protein, carbohydrate, minerals and NO cholesterol

Monday, May 10, 2010

toilet bowl

toilet bowl is such a great invention, salute to its inventor! it obediently absorbs all the unwanted waste that u din even wan.. galloping into its system..

sometimes u jus throw the unwanted waste in an unorganized way or in a speed too fast for it to digest that it apparently detests but still it utters no other complaints, but quietly eats ur digested food with great 'pleasure' (well i din know how it feels actually.. i nv asked..) and then... aiks, geli neh.. ok ok i don have to elaborate further *.*

ok once in a while it throws tantrum.. oh gosh, that's the last thing u would hope it happens!

but all in all.. im so glad it's been fixed!! >>salute<< im jus impressed how that little thing could save the world!

a friend in need is a friend indeed~ OohHHh
toilet bowl, u rock!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

ur eyes degrees hv been stagnant

im always afraid to visit 2 professions.. 1st, dentist.. 2nd, optician.. so lame? heehee.. cannot meh..?

today i finally visited optician.. jus suddenly feel like getting a specs.. jus suddenly feel like wanting to wear a specs.. a full frame one.. taking out much courage.. i finally stepped in the optical shop. i looked so weird on specs, esp those with frames. sometimes (sometimes only) i like my eyes, so they seem to be covered by those lens and big frames..

so the SA gave me frameless to try on.. it looked jus so common.. well since i really feel like wanting a specs, so i was thinking if that would do.. luckily i spotted on some framed ones, before confirming on the frameless haha

after much debating within myself on the frames, i finally settled with 1 full frame haha and the toughest part came.. i gotta test my eyes!!!!! the last thing i would wan to hear was... 'ur degrees have increased..' but i've got no choice, since i want a specs.. so with no choice, i was examined..

HAHAHA i wouldnt believe it, no one would!! my degrees had been stagnant since.. hrm.. ages like 10 yrs ago.. the degrees are still exactly the same!! woohooo~ how overjoyed! this is the best thing i've heard today!!! i wouldnt be afraid anymore if i were to go visit optician next week again wakaka ^^

Saturday, May 8, 2010

mo tiun tiun's

so weird these two days.. hin hin @.@

have been..
'mo tiun tiun' sneezing,
'mo tiun tiun' r.e.m on the right eye,
'mo tiun tiun' drank cucumber juice for the very first time.. aiks, i never really liked cucumber,
'mo tiun tiun' woke up at 6.52am today.. thinking it's 7.30am.. couldnt sleep back,
'mo tiun tiun' be the first to reach workplace in the ENTIRE company (entire company, not office only..) today,
'mo tiun tiun' did FRONT parking unconsciously for the very first time in office today,
'mo tiun tiun' went against my research and parked at the space near office building today

hrmm.. it is only morning now.. i think i really need a nice sweet siesta later.. else i dunno what other 'mo tiun tiun' it would be during practise later

'hin hin eh chao eh lah.. lu bei kao kun nia..' yahor, i also think so.. gotta recharge~

Friday, May 7, 2010

fishing day

suddenly feel like going fishing..........

ok.. going going..

what lies in front of me.. a calm placid lake.. so beautifully formed that i almost thought it could be one of the world's 7 wonders. i spot a lofty tree, silhouette against some mild sunshine. i easily settle myself below the shed.. unpacking my bag pack.. look what i've got here.. some bread crumbs, no worms no shrimps (i dont kill..), some dark choc, some tidbits, some icy beer, some orange juice with pulps, some mineral water, compass, some banana fritters, some cheese and egg sandwiches, some ceasar salad, some butter biscuits, my hat, polarized sunglasses, sunblock (do i need it..?).. of cos not to forget the 'foffessional' fishing rod.

am i all set? yes i bet i do! setting up the fishing rod without hook, i gently fix the bread crumbs on to it.. i cast off the rod into the serenity, and break the mirror of reflection of the lake. i couldnt envision if there are fishes or not, underneath the body of water.. well.. fishing is like a box of chocolates, u never know what u gonna get..

i sit down on the picnic mat in the most relaxing manner.. patiently waiting for the surprise i'll be getting from the mystery of the lake.. casually letting the cool breeze embracing me.. feeling the wonderful presence of the sunshine and cool breeze.. suddenly i feel that my rod is moving.. fishes come nibbling on the bread crumbs! i enjoy watching them nibbling for food mindlessly.. they do not worry about food, they do not worry about making money to buy food, they do not worry about getting up late, they do not worry about anything.. all they need to do.. is just to be fishes!!

i replenish the bread crumbs.. more and more fishes come dropping by.. hey dearies, if u eat, so do i.. while feeding them, i unpack my goodies and drinks.. i've so many fishes friends to join me.. i open my dark choc, savoring in great pleasure.. well hey, this is yummy, i wish u could try too! do u all want to try? can u all eat choc? will u die of eating dark choc?

they seem to look up at me.. eyes focusing on the piece of dark choc.. mouths watering, with saliva.. they seem so keen to taste it that they are soaked in excitement.. i can feel that they are anxiously wet.

i gradually clear off the bread crumbs and replace with dark choc.. once i put down the rod, they come storming in.. i almost lost control. cool down cool down, everyone has a bit.. if u still behave like that, im gonna mm choy u leh.. they seem to read me, slowing their paces. i drink the icy beer to quench my thirst.. aHhh~ heaven! fishes look up at me.. no dearie, im not gonna give u any beer.. fishes arent meant for drinking.

so much energy wasted.. im starting to enjoy my ceasar salad, yum yum~ that's appetizer. slanting against the tree trunk.. the whole place is just so clean! looking at the swarm of birds flying across the bright blue sky.. i crunch on my prepared tidbits.. what a nice scene! where's my sandwich? what is picnic without sandwiches? wooo.. i put the cheesy sandwich in my mouth, big big bite.. the cheese melts in the warmth temperature of the mouth.. jawing the eggs and bread with melted cheese.. the marvellously blended food is being passed down to my esophagus.. i hold the orange juice with generous pulps and gurgle it heartily to my delight.

i think i should be walking around for digestion.. i pack my goodies in my bag.. leaving the rod there, i walk around the lake.. there is a small bridge connecting to a small shelter hut at the side of the lake.. im biting off banana fritters in the slowest motion, letting them die with extreme glory. i see some water lilies.. lovely! the wind blows and they move gracefully.. i just casually sit on the bridge observing them.. they seem to notice my presence and dance affectionately. cheers, i finish off my orange juice.

i stand up and walking towards the lofty tree. having dark choc dissolving in my mouth, ooh.. this is the best! i dance with joy~ i settle down again under the lofty tree.. i share my choc with the fishes, again, they dance with joy too. the sky is gradually changing its attire now.. from blue to orange yellow.. the york of the sun hanging just above the boundless horizon outstands all earthly things.. i stand in awe.. the scene is so breathtaking that it's beyond words.. im motionless with the choc still in my hand and another in my mouth melting at its own pleasure.

i capture the picturesque view in my eyes.. frames by frames.. until the sun hides below the horizon, breathless! i feel all relaxed~!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

thank you angels

i cant believe it's 5th tomorrow.. oh no oh no.. so fast!! time comes so fast.. it's a day to make important decision. May is the month..

my dearest families..
my dearest uncles, aunties, church committees, brothers and sisters in Christ..
my dearest relatives..
my dearest bestie, close friends, ji muis, heng tais, best friends, good friends, friends..

thank you for committing yourselves in helping so much for the preparation.. sorry.. sorry.. i've been so unconcerned.. because i wasnt prepared, i wasnt ready.. sorry that i've been quite uninvolved.. even though i still couldnt completely accept it yet.. still cant really believe it yet.. but give me some time to adjust.. i'll be following up with all the involvements, i'll be taking parts, i'll be very concerned, i wanna join u all..

"to be the most relax person on that day".. "u r our beloved daughter/spiritual daughter/sister/friend" are the things u all said to me.. im truly touched for everything that u all have done for me unconditionally.. truly truly touched..

thank you for loving me.. thank you all of u for loving me and making me feel belonged.. making me feel so important.. im jus a little ordinary girl but gained so much of love from u all.. i really do love all of u from the bottom of my heart.. thank you for the sacrifices and commitments u all have given me.. i truly appreciate it.. i wont do anything to hurt u all.. thank you for the love.. lets work things out together.. together lets be blissfully happy.. God will divinely bless us all, because all of u r just so awesome beyond words.. all of u are angels that God sent for me.. my beloved angels.. thank you for always wrapping me up with all of your mighty wings!

Monday, May 3, 2010

nice story

:: got this from aunty khim ♥ hugs ::

An elderly man in Mumbai calls his son in New York and says,
'I hate to ruin your day son, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce; 35 years of marriage... and that much misery is enough!'

'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams.

'We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' the old man says.

'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Hong Kong and tell her!'

Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.
'Like heck they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this.'

She calls Mumbai immediately, and screams at the old man,
'You are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then , don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR??'
and she hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife.
'Okay', he says, 'It's all set. They're both coming for Deepavali and paying their own airfare!!'

No man / woman is busy in this world all 365 days.

The sky is not going to fall down if you take few days LEAVE and meet your dear ones.


Happy moments, praise God.

Difficult moments, seek God.

Quiet moments, worship God.

Painful moments, trust God.

Every moment, thank God.


diary u sleep dy..? oh no.. it's so fast.. time's so fast!! just feel.. it's so fast.. ask anyone, they can tell this is how i feel.. can stop for a while, pls pls pls..? oohh.. hope everything's fine!! sorry to wake u up.. u can sleep back now heehee

Saturday, May 1, 2010

dear diary

Dear Diary..

i've ample things to express, but im lost at words.. i've limited vocabs.. i searched but found none that i could verbally express perfectly.. diary i wanna talk to u yday but i didnt come n look for u.. i was thinking i could tell u a lot when i come n look for u now, but it's jus speechless.. ahh this is so weird! u know what i wanna say or not?

diary i've been so busy.. why hor.. sometimes u jus don understand what life is.. what is the purpose.. working working working, making money making money making money, chilling out chilling out chilling out, happy happy happy, sad sad sad, weird weird weird.. what r we doing here? getting busy from morning till night then sleep, and having the same repetitious itinerary.. sit down idle n think.. what am i doing? what is this all about? what is time? what is this? what is that? who am i?.. i think Mother Teresa could explain about life, but she aint here anymore.. i dunno Mother Teresa personally, but i think u rock!

human memory can store forever.. 10 years, 7 years, 1 year.. no expiry.. sorry mr bill, ur creation is finite and could go corrupted or formatted. but human memory is amazingly awesome.. it stores visibly yet invisibly, distinctively yet vaguely, quintessentially yet obscurely.. pieces could be collected n regained, at times.. how amazing!

and time flies in a blink of eyes.. reminiscing the moments when i was still a little squirt n go on..n go on.. it's jus like yesterday's! ok maybe not yesterday.. that's pretty exaggerating.. well figure of speech haha. well.. diary, ppl always complain time passes like nobody business.. but sometimes when it's jus passed, say for a week, u actually feel it to be few centuries.. a lot longer than jus merely a week.. so this is called time flies or time halts har?

and the time it elapses for anticipation seems to take forever.. esp things that u've been excited and looking forward to.. cant wait for the time to arrive.. hoping the time comes faster.. but in the bottom of the heart, u know (or maybe the excitement is way too immense that u choose not to know) that once u've that anticipation and excitement right in front of u.. it's gonna fade in a while, and that, takes only a blink of eyes.. diary it's so contradicting u know.. wishing it fast to come, slow during arrival, and stop at part.. it takes so much preparation of excitement for a short anticipation n it ends.. so this is called happy time passes faster har?

haha.. human is such a complicated and sophisticated creature, hard to understand eh~ i don think u do understand, cos u r jus a diary.. wonder if u've got brain or mind to ponder? ooh no.. that's lame.. i'll leave ur brain alone.

the weather has been gloomy since a couple of sunshine days last week.. everytime u look at the sky, it's portraying melancholy.. it's such a somber little thing haha.. the sky is also a very emotional being.. utterly unpredictable!! scorching hot at this moment.. raining cats n dogs the next.. raining not only cats n dogs, elephants n lions too.. the whole animals in zoo r coming out, raining!!

randomly took pics.. this camera is such a dear fren~

:: the air is filled with high density of moist (been raining.. where r u sunshine?).. that they 'chose' with no option to be wet in the bathroom..

:: opposite waterfront.. the building 'domiciles' itself comfortably in that big 'region'
:: waterfront (..careful.. there's water in front..)
:: Ipoh Town Kopitiam White Coffee in Kch.. how does Kch Town Cafe Black Milk in Ipoh sound?
:: this is lovely.. the jelly babies were initially pettily minute and solid hard before being contacted with water.. put the jelly babies into the pretty jar, filling up approximately 10.8893% of the jar.. pour a measurable volume of water into the jar (not filling up the whole jar la..).. observe.. observe.. patiently.. they grow! they grew! they are growing! they were glowing! they have grown!! see.. aint them lovely?~
:: this is such a dearie.. u talk to it, it plays u music.. it plays depending on ur mood.. great fren to talk with, in different medium of language.. thanks to the marvellous invention!
:: it's so tempting.. so alluring.. i can easily finish it with ease, i've a born talent in eating choc :P~ (should i be proud of this born talent?..) but i havent unsealed it yet.. consumable food = once consumed, it's perished.. mm seh tak eat..
:: same 'choc theory' as abovementioned.. though this can be found easily.. but still mm seh tak eat..
:: limited edition kit kat dark choc.. it's seasonal, and i think can only be found in airport.. mm seh tak eat..
:: look how small the cleanser could be..
:: mr buffett has really got an awesome book there! the points are concise.. n u cannot read it stupidly.. i give 4 thumbs up (why 4? oo.. 2 thumbs on the hands, and 2 thumbs on the feet.. hence, 4!) it leaves ur mind to linger.. can also be used for intellectual arguments
diary.. don laugh.. i know i've typed a whole lot n u've been listening a whole lot, but i was saying i was speechless right..? it's still speechless.. to flip through the whole dictionary i couldnt find a suitable word..

if u come to life diary i would have plenty more to talk on, if im able to find any descriptive words.. ehh, cannot ehh...!!! u r a diary.. if u come to life, i would be scared till pengsan.. the idea was absolutely eerie!! ok, forget what i've mentioned ya.. u better don come to life, jus be a diary.. thanks.. *even though u r a diary.. a lifeless one.. but still u r sweet~ thanks*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

audrey's here

Thanks audrey dear.. for the beautiful quote that I received just at the right time, unexpectedly.. during the cognitive process of slumping down the abyss..

"Have My Care that never breaks,
Have My Smile that never fades,
Have My Words that never hurts,
Have My Friendship that never End"

It brings back my smile.. thanks for being there, i've been too busy that i've neglected u hahaha but do buzz me so that i know u r there ♥ hugss

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


10.04.2010 Bye bye Cyrene.. gonna miss u lotS *hugs* till we meet again ;)
*she always greets us in ym with her sleepy gOOd mOrning, and we'd return a sleepy gOOd aFternOOn*

12.04.2010 Severe headache.. sick leave at home.. >.< rest? no rest? dunno..
13.04.2010 Gloomy weather (raining cats n dogs).. super busy mode at work.. but, a SURPRISE note!!! Cyrene posted her USD to office.. it gave me a broad broad smile seeing her familiar belonging on my keyboard.. *sweet* touching and heart warming.. the weather? ahh.. dont bother dy