♥ I care I care I care ♥

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

dark choc talks

Delicious macadamia nuts coated with a thin layer of crunchy toffee and covered in rich creamy dark chocolate.. please imagine how this gradually melts in your mouth and being sent down to your esophagus~ so hangg fuk nehh~~~ so yummy, esp it's DARK CHOC! given by my bestie n he said he aint gonna look at the pic.. so i've got no choice but to post up on my blog wakaka it's too delicious not to be posted nehh!! *wonderful* ^^

Aiseh.. HEALTHY NUTS [eat a lot also wont get pimples.. very safe to eat de...]

Fact Macadamias are an excellent source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats - the good fats, which can help manage cholesterol
Fact Macadamias contain Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect tissues from damage
Fact Macadamias add fibre to your diet
Fact Macadamias help lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the incidence of heart disease
Fact Macadamias also contain unsaturated oil, protein, carbohydrate, minerals and NO cholesterol

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